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Nonprofits for social impact: Connecting generations to drive positive change and address societal challenges.


How do we alleviate the social isolation and loneliness that disproportionately impact older adults, adolescents, and young people? How do we decrease ageism and create communities of belonging? By connecting generations through high-quality programs that involve shared passions and interests.

The key components to a high-quality intergenerational program:



  1. Intentional Design & Purpose

  2. Engagement Around a Common Interest

  3. Storytelling

  4. Collaboration Across Facilitating Organizations

Loneliness & Social Isolation

In 2022, our adolescents suffered:

  • 16% were bullied online

  • 22% seriously considered suicide 

  • 42% felt persistently sad and hopeless 



Lonely and socially isolated older adults are at unnecessary risk compared to those who feel connected:

  • 32% increased risk of stroke

  • 50% increase of developing dementia 

  • 68% increased hospitalization rate when someone has heart failure


Loneliness and social isolation impact youth and older adults at unprecedented levels.

Social Connection Heals

2+ meaningful connections with older adults helps youth:

  • Learn how to regulate their emotions

  • Develop healthy coping skills

  • Foster self-esteem

  • Maintain physical and psychological safety 


of people with a close intergenerational friend agree the connection provides unique benefits they don’t receive elsewhere, (AARP, 2019)


new world perspectives


greater life appreciation


a feeling of being valued (AARP)

"Youth who felt connected during middle and high school have fewer problems with substance use, mental health, suicidality, and risky sexual behavior as adults."


Attractive Young Woman

“It was interesting to meet a complete stranger and find so much commonality.”


-Photography & Storytelling Older Adult Participant

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